Photon Energy expands its strategic focus to water

Photon Energy announced its strategic expansion to watermanagement, adding it as a parallel business line to its core solaractivities and aiming to offer comprehensive container-basedsolutions for off-grid systems worldwide by combining waterpurification powered by solar energy.

Photon Energy NV is pleased to announce a fundamental pivot inits strategic focus by adding water purification, remediation andtreatment as a parallel business line. By establishing itssubsidiary Photon Water Technology (PWT) Photon Energy’s managementstrongly believes in the exceptional potential of container-basedwater purification and treatment solutions powered primarily bysolar energy. Therefore, the combination of the company’s expertisein off-grid solar installations integrating PV plants and energystorage with water management solutions will enable Photon EnergyGroup to provide grid-independent solutions and bring water andenergy to essentially any place in the world.

In line with Photon Energy’s business model for solar PV plants,the company intends to cover the entire life cycle of waterpurification and remediation systems both as a turn-key supplier aswell as a provider of the final product – drinking water. Thanks toavailable and reliable technologies to turn both saline andcontaminated fresh water into drinking water, PWT offers packagingthe customized water solutions into containers and thus to deploythese to any location. Finally, Photon Energy’s proprietarymonitoring and control software will allow integrated real-timemanagement and efficient operations and maintenance.

Photon Energy based the operations of its subsidiary PhotonWater Technology s.r.o. in Liberec in the Czech Republic, whichwill act as the Group’s competence centre for water management.Liberec is a highly attractive location due to the TechnicalUniversity of Liberec, with which PWT closely cooperates and whichrepresents one of the world’s leading nanotechnology hubs developedin recent years. Nanotechnology solutions are rapidly coming to theforefront as the most effective approach to water filtration, thusallowing PWT to provide modern and highly efficient watertechnology solutions for a wide range of applications. PhotonEnergy will market its Water services and solutions via its brand“Photon Water”. More information is available on

PWT is 65% owned by Photon Energy NV with the remaining equityheld by management. While 2017 is expected to be a start-up periodfor PWT, the corporate expansion to water activities is meant tobecome a significant contributor to Photon Energy’s revenue growthand profitability from 2018 onwards.

“Following our customer’s needs and demand for accessible,affordable, clean and safe drinking water we expect to entermarkets and to win customers which would not be addressable withour solar energy solutions alone. After careful analysis of variousstrategic options over the past two years, we have come to theconclusion that solar energy will continue being the highestpotential renewable energy source, while worldwide the supply ofdrinking water is rapidly becoming the most serious problem facinghumanity,” commented Georg Hotar, CEO of Photon EnergyNV.

PWT is managed by Dr Petr Kvapil, who has a long track record inrealising water technology projects internationally. “This expansion reaffirms Photon Energy’s driving visionthat Energy and Water must be Accessible, Affordable, Clean andSafe for Everyone and my team is excited to act on making thisvision a reality for the less advantaged regions on theplanet,” added Petr Kvapil.


Anastasia Hotar
T  +420 775 861 732

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