Photon Energy further strengthens portfolio

Photon Energy has successfully completed the acquisition of theremaining 30% equity interest from its minority shareholder in itsSlovak portfolio PV power plant in Blatna with an installedcapacity of 700 KWp.

The power plant is owned and operated by ATS Energy s.r.o. As aresult of this transaction, the Group’s shareholding in ATS s.r.o.– already fully consolidated in 2015 - increased to 100%.

In 2015 ATS Energy s.r.o. generated revenues of EUR 305,000 andEBITDA of EUR 267,000.

Earlier this year Photon Energy N.V. acquired the remaining 40%equity interest from its local JV partner in its Slovak portfolioPV power plant in Prša with an installed capacity of 999 KWp.

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