Photon Energy mandates Pottinger as advisors for Australian project pipeline

Photon Energy NV has mandated financial andstrategic advisory firm Pottinger Co Pty Limited, to advise on acapital raising for a solar PV project pipeline with a totalgeneration capacity of over 1 GW in Australia.

Photon Energy’s pipeline is being developedin NSW and includes the previously announced 316 MW solar projectat Gunning in New South Wales, as well as several other large-scaleprojects totaling around 700 MW. The combination of increasingenergy prices, Large Generation Certificate prices and strong solarirradiation have turned Australia into one of the most sought-afterdestinations for utility-scale PV power plant investments in theworld. Photon Energy NV expects to close the financing round in Q42017.

Photon Energy NV is seeking to bring infinancial and strategic investors to accelerate development ofthese important solar energy projects.

“The outstanding track record ofPottinger in energy infrastructure financing has convinced us thatthey are the right advisors for selecting the most suitablefinancing partners for our 1 GW PV project pipeline. We are lookingforward to working with their team on creating the highest possiblevalue from our ambitious project development effort on the world’ssunniest continent” commented Michael Gartner,Managing Director of Photon Energy Australia.

“Mandating Pottinger is an importantstep in strengthening our position as one of the leading PV projectdevelopers in Australia today. Given the attractive economics of PVpower plants in Australia on the back of continuously fallinginvestment costs, our Australian PV project pipeline is on track ofbecoming the most valuable asset in our Group” explainedGeorg Hotar, Chief Executive Officer of Photon EnergyNV.

Pottinger combines business leadership,investment banking, strategic consulting, big data analytics,entrepreneurship and other skills to help companies and governmentsunlock growth, reduce risk and accelerate impact.   


Jan Krcmar
T   +420 773 032 182

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