September 2017: Significant progress in Australia, 8 new projects in Hungary, new O&M contract, approval of prospectus for new bond

Photon Energy published its monthly investorreport for September 2017. The power plants in the company'sproprietary portfolio produced in total 7% more energy thanexpected YTD. The company reported growth of its O&M portfolioadding nearly 8 MWp in the Czech Republic.

Photon Energy also announced further progresson its project in Leeton, Australia as well as the acquisition ofeight more projects in Hungary. Finally, the prospectus forissuance of a new EUR bond by Photon Energy has been approved.

Download the monthly report here (pdf).

All our reports can be found onthe Reports page in our InvestorRelations section.


Anastasia Hotar
T  +420 775 861 732

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