Over 30 ALDI Locations Converted to Solar Power

NSW and Queensland, Australia

30 100 kWp systems and a 1.7 MWp system at a major distribution centre help ALDI Australia reach its goal of 100% renewable energy.


ALDI Australia



Key Numbers


Number of Installations

4.6 MWp

Total Capacity

up to 6,486 t

Annual CO2 Savings

up to 6,900,000 kWh

Annual Production

The Challenge

As part of its initiatives to become more energy efficient and sustainable, global supermarket chain ALDI set a target to power all of its Australian facilities with 100% renewable energy by the end of 2021.

ALDI selected Photon Energy to install solar projects in 30 of its retail outlets across New South Wales and Queensland. These projects would transform the stores into solar power generators capable of providing a large proportion of their daytime electricity consumption.

In addition to these locations, a rooftop system was to be installed on ALDI’s centralised distribution centre in Stapylton, Queensland. This distribution centre is a critical site for ALDI’s Australian operations and is fully operational 24/7.

All of the projects would require continued engagement with stakeholders in order to ensure their seamless integration into ALDI’s commercial operations, with the distribution centre in particular requiring sophisticated logistics and a delivery plan that would manage the risks associated with installation on an active site.


The Solution

We designed and installed PV systems with a combined capacity of 4.6 MWp across the 31 locations, including a 1.7 MWp rooftop system on the Stapylton distribution centre.

The distribution centre’s system was integrated with a backup generator, and the scope of this project also involved significant switchboard upgrades to accommodate the change to solar power. The inverter station was integrated from the rooftop, a highly efficient use of space. The overall system was designed to be future-proof; storage-ready, so that batteries can be easily retrofitted.

The 31 projects were designed, installed and commissioned in a relatively tight timeframe in order to minimise disruption to ALDI’s operations.

In addition to the design and installation of these PV systems, we also administered large-scale generation certificates (LGCs) on behalf of ALDI, and are now providing ongoing O&M services, including monitoring through our proprietary monitoring platform, PECOM.

As well as helping ALDI achieve its sustainability goals, the projects delivered by Photon Energy have helped to significantly reduce ALDI Australia’s energy costs as well as its reliance on grid-drawn power, providing a hedge against future grid power cost increases.

In June 2021, ALDI announced that it had achieved its goal of powering its Australian operations with 100% renewable energy – six months ahead of schedule.

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