Photon Energy delivers solar power for water treatment plant in Australia

3 minutes read

Photon Energy has started construction ofa 99 kWp solar power plant to provide a large proportion of thepower for a sewerage treatment plant in Leeton, Australia. Thepower plant utilises Photon Energy Command smart control and demandresponse technology to supply around 162 MWh of clean energy peryear for sewerage treatment helping Leeton Shire Council reducetheir carbon footprint and energy bills.

The power plant is expected to becommissioned by the end of November 2016. The power plant isequipped with “Photon Energy Command”, the company’s proprietarysystem to maximise energy usage from the solar power system duringthe day with the possibility of switching on additional loads andensuring maximum energy usage on site. Leeton Shire Council ran acompetitive bid in July 2016 which saw Photon Energy selected asthe preferred bidder.

Leeton Mayor Paul Maytom, a long-termadvocate of renewable energy, is delighted to see this project cometo fruition. “The solar power plant makes good sense for ourratepayers, both economically and environmentally. Leeton Shire hasappreciated the professional and productive way Photon Energy hasdelivered the scheme, which showcases to our community that solarenergy is a very real option to traditional power supply. It reallyis the way of the future. Leeton Shire Council is looking to reduceits costs where possible and this project is also helping to reduceCouncil’s carbon footprint”, says Mayor PaulMaytom.

This project is more proof thatcombined with smart technology solar power is in many cases themost viable energy source and an increasingly important part of theenergy mix, not only for households, but for larger commercialcustomers and  the public sector”, says MichaelGartner, Managing Director of Photon Energy Australia.“We are installing an increasing number of smart energysolutions for on-site energy generation, from off-grid solarstorage systems to large-scale rooftop solar plants, illustratingour leading technological capabilities and the reliability andcost-effectiveness of solar energy in Australia”.

Technical details

PV Modules: 342x Trina Honey plusTSM-DD05A(II) 290 Wp
Inverters: 3x ABB TRIO-27.6
Control system: Photon Energy Command with export power limiter anddemand response manager (DRED)
Expected energy yield: 162 MWh/year
Expected CO2 emissions savings: 145 ton/year


Jan Krcmar
T   +420 773 032 182

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