Photon Energy expands to Romania

2 minutes read

Photon Energy has expanded its Operations &Maintenanceservices to a new market, adding 11 MWp in Romania. The companytakes over the full monitoring, operations and maintenance forthree power plants in the North-West of the country.

Photon Energy’s fully-owned subsidiary Photon Energy Operationshas signed contracts for full operations, maintenance andmonitoring for three solar power plants in Romania. The company nowprovides complete facility management services for PV power plantsin Germany, Australia, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Romania,while providing its „Inverter Cardio“ services in several othercountries.

„Romania is an extremely interesting market for solar assetmanagement, but sadly for all the wrong reasons”, says PhotonEnergy CEO Georg Hotar. “Renewable energy entrepreneurs investedmore than 6 Mio. EUR in Romania, just in time for the government toutterly betray them and stab them with retroactive measures thathurt the value and financial results of their investments. This iswhy it is extraordinarily important for solar power plant owners tohave a reliable maintenance partner at hand to keep downtime at aminimum and increase the Net Profit Value of PV projects”, Hotarcontinues. 

Photon Energy’s O&M strategy is based on a combination ofpreventive maintenance and in-depth data analysis from its high-endmonitoring platform. „By analysing production results and technicaldata we can help to predict faults and subsequently avoid them withregular preventive maintenance, which in the end keeps costs lowand yields high“, explains CEO Georg Hotar.

Together with 600 kWp signed earlier this month in the CzechRepublic, Photon Energy now provides full O&M services tonearly 100 MWp in Europe and Australia, while providing maintenanceservices to central PV inverters worth a further 60 MWp in severalEuropean countries.

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